Court Confirms that Electrical Contractors can Perform Excavation As Part of Their License Without Also Being Licensed Underground Utility Contractors

Appellate court reverses judgment and finds that electrical contractor was properly licensed to perform excavation as part of its scope of work when installing underground electrical work. The reversal turn largely on the trial court’s improper application of Part I of Chapter 489, Florida Statutes, to electrical contractors, when they are governed by Part II of Chapter 489, Florida Statutes.

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Court Affirms Order Imposing Sanctions Against Electrical Contractor for Aiding Unlicensed Contractor

The final order imposed fines and continuing education against the electrical contractor, and possibly could have been avoided if the contractor had properly responded to the administrative complaint or properly preserved his rights to a final hearing. The case is a cautionary tale to contractors facing licensing complaints to take them seriously and comply with deadlines and instructions relating to the complaint.

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Florida Enacts Changes to Contractor Licensing Requirements

On July 1, 2020, Governor Desantis signed the Occupational Freedom and Opportunity Act. The Act modifies many existing licensing requirements within the state, across a broad range of professions, from architects to veterinarians. The purpose of the act was to “remove unnecessary barriers for individuals pursuing their professional aspirations.” The biggest practical impact on Florida’s contractors will be new reciprocity provisions within the statute and a reduction in certain continuing education requirements.

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Electrician Loses Lien For Failing to Comply with Chapter 713, Florida Statutes

Florida’s Construction Lien laws are a complex web of requirements to establish and maintain a lien on property to secure payment for work you’ve done. Successfully check all the boxes, and you have a powerful tool to ensure you are paid. But make a misstep early in the process—or fail to keep up with the requirements—and your lien can vanish! Recently, an electrician lost its lien for failing to follow through on the lien law requirements through the end.

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Recent Trial Court Decision Confirms Narrow Application of Florida's Private Undisputed Payment Statute

Earlier this year in Bartlett Fiber Inc. v. Optical Telecommunications, Inc, a trial court in Miami-Dade County granted summary judgment in favor of an integrated low-voltage contractor based on a Florida statute requiring certain undisputed amounts to be paid to subcontractors once paid for. The decision confirms the narrow application of section 713.346, Florida Statutes.

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