Let Us Help You Get Licensed in Florida

We have helped dozens of contractors in Florida obtain their contractor’s licenses. Whether you have been working in Florida and are trying to get your license for the first time or whether you have been licensed in another state for years and wanting to bring that experience to Florida, we can help. We have also helped numerous contractors in Florida qualify additional businesses with their existing licenses. Use the links below to learn more about licensing requirements in Florida, options that may be available to you, and our success rates! Feel free to reach out to learn more about how we can help you with your licensing in Florida.

Recent Licensing Updates and Results

Jason Lambert is a Florida licensed attorney, Board Certified in Construction Law, who focuses his practice on representing and advising contractors, subcontractors, and material suppliers in the construction industry throughout the state of Florida. Before law school, Jason spent a decade working in the construction industry, primarily as a project manager and operations director for both new construction and remodeling. He also has experience in the wholesale and retail electrical, flooring, and countertop industries.

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