Proposed Statute Would Expand the Amount of Electrical Work That Can be Performed by Class A HVAC Contractors

Florida House Bill 89 would bring more HVAC-related electrical work within the permissible scope of work for a Class A HVAC Contractor in Florida, including replacing, disconnecting, or reconnecting breakers and fuses on the line side of the circuit.

House Bill 89 would modify 489.105, Florida Statutes, to alter the scope of work allowed under a Class A HVAC contractor’s license. Specifically, the scope of electrical work allowed to be performed by electrical contractors would be expanded as follows (new, proposed language is underlined):

. . . to replace, disconnect, or reconnect power wiring, breakers, or fuses on the line load side of the dedicated existing electrical circuit disconnect switch; to replace, disconnect, or reconnect air-conditioning disconnect switches and boxes; to install, disconnect, and reconnect low voltage heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning control wiring . . .

HVAC contractors should note that this change, if passed, would only apply to Class A HVAC contractors, and not Class B HVAC contractors. If it passes, this statute would take effect July 1, 2023.

You can read the full version of the proposed statute by clicking here.