NTO Too Late: How to Lose a Lien in 45 days

If you are part of the construction industry in Florida, no doubt you have at least heard of a Notice to Owner. You probably also know that you have a time limit to serve them and that they impact your ability to record a lien. While this general knowledge is a start, it is no substitute for knowing the actual requirements for an NTO and the consequences for failing to follow them.

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Are You One of the Three Types of People/Companies that can File a Construction Lien in Florida?

Most contractors believe that their only claim for a lack of payment is to file a lien and that if the lien right expires they are out of luck for payment. While a lien is a powerful and important payment tool, it is only one of many available to contractors looking to be paid. In reality, a construction lien is a very unique and narrow remedy, only intended to be exercised by certain people or companies and only for certain amounts due to the person filing the lien. Are you one of those people?

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